Sunday, November 13, 2011

Blogging Fail

It's official.  I am a failure as a blogger.  When I started this blog five months ago, I had great intentions of blogging everyday...or at least every other day...or at the VERY least once a week.  Ahhh well.  I'll just chalk it up to "one more thing I suck at" and move on. 

Lets get caught up, shall we.  Let's the five months since my last posting, we have: 

1.  Taken a vacation with my aunt and uncle (and cousin and twin sister and their husbands and offspring) to Florida...fabulous!

2.  While in Florida, found out that I was pregnant...the morning after trying oysters on the half shell for the first time.  *Awesome*  (Also ate delicious sushi three times previous to knowing I was prego...This munchkin is going to come out with a hankerin' for raw seafood.)

*I was irritated about this picture because I thought I looked pregnant in it.   Little did I know....

3.  Spent the next 3 months with my head in the potty dealing with lovely first trimester nausea.  (I won't include a picture of hasn't been pretty.)

Some how the season has changed from Summer to Autumn...must have been while I was staring into the bottom of the commode..  Halloween has passed in a blur of pumpkin carving

 and homemade General Grievous costumes.

Thanksgiving is just around the corner.  My nausea has disappeared just in time to enjoy all the yummy holiday goodies guilt-free because, you know, the baby needs it.  As an early resolution, I have renewed my dedication to the world of blogging...we'll see how it goes.

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