Wednesday, November 23, 2011

We decorated for Christmas today.  Yes, I realize there is some controversy about decorating for Christmas before Thanksgiving, but...whatever.  Thanksgiving is tomorrow, I'm pregnant, and Mama's tired and cranky most of the time.  Therefore, she get to do what she wants when she wants.

My little boy was super excited.  (After being married to a holiday curmudgeon for 9 years, it's so nice to have someone to share my holiday excitement!)

We started our morning with hot cocoa,

Because drinking cocoa through a straw in dinosaur footie pajamas is the only way to truly prepare for a day of Christmas decorating.

Then we convinced Dad to get up and haul in the Christmas tree and tubs of assorted decor.  This took a little coaxing, but somehow three-year-olds are much more convincing than whiny wives...who knew?

Getting out old Christmas decorations is so much more magical when done with a preschooler!

*That's the curmudgeon in the back ground there. Eli even manages to suck him in to our holiday excitement.

My decorator knew exactly where each ornament should a clump on the left side of the tree about three feet off the floor.  Our tree has never looked  more beautiful.

Particularly the angel on top.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Fun in the Country

I'm sure there are people who find perfectly normal ways of disposing with Halloween pumpkins which have sat on the front porch past their prime.  Pitch them in the trash or compost them, maybe?  We do something like that.  Usually, our old pumpkins are thrown into the woods beside our house to decompse, putting important nutrients back in to the soil. 

We're very responsible citizens like that...but first...

we shoot 'em!

Blow those suckers to smithereens.  It helps them decompose more quickly.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Blogging Fail

It's official.  I am a failure as a blogger.  When I started this blog five months ago, I had great intentions of blogging everyday...or at least every other day...or at the VERY least once a week.  Ahhh well.  I'll just chalk it up to "one more thing I suck at" and move on. 

Lets get caught up, shall we.  Let's the five months since my last posting, we have: 

1.  Taken a vacation with my aunt and uncle (and cousin and twin sister and their husbands and offspring) to Florida...fabulous!

2.  While in Florida, found out that I was pregnant...the morning after trying oysters on the half shell for the first time.  *Awesome*  (Also ate delicious sushi three times previous to knowing I was prego...This munchkin is going to come out with a hankerin' for raw seafood.)

*I was irritated about this picture because I thought I looked pregnant in it.   Little did I know....

3.  Spent the next 3 months with my head in the potty dealing with lovely first trimester nausea.  (I won't include a picture of hasn't been pretty.)

Some how the season has changed from Summer to Autumn...must have been while I was staring into the bottom of the commode..  Halloween has passed in a blur of pumpkin carving

 and homemade General Grievous costumes.

Thanksgiving is just around the corner.  My nausea has disappeared just in time to enjoy all the yummy holiday goodies guilt-free because, you know, the baby needs it.  As an early resolution, I have renewed my dedication to the world of blogging...we'll see how it goes.