Sunday, June 26, 2011


Remember how magical summers were when you were a kid?

Long days of awesome nothingness
 followed by a relaxing family vacation.   

Thanks to my chosen profession (educating the young minds of America), summers never lost that quality for me.  At 30 years old I still have that tickle in my stomach on the last day of school...the overwhelming excitement that I don't have to go to school for THREE (actually two and a half) WHOLE MONTHS!!!!!!

We have days on end of

being beach bums,

honing our ice cream making skills,
(crank it Aunt Donna!)

watching for bunnies in the back yard,

just relaxing in the sun,

or...ummmm...finding ways to stay cool.

My only question is...why do those endless glorious days of summer seem to fly by so quickly?

Getting Started

This is a blog about a girl who's generally a day late and a dollar short...for everything.  She likes to think this endears her to friends and family, but knows otherwise.  She has been inspired to start a blog in an attempt to have a record of this stage in her life so that when she comes out of "the blur" she will be able to remember.  Most likely there will be no distinguishable order in the organization of her blog, because that's how her brain works.   ...And she promises to stop talking about herself in third person.
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